Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Straighten It Out

While we are on the subject of mixes, here's one that I revert back to time and time again: volume2 of JIM SHARP's "Straighten It Out" series. Brixton resident JIM takes us on a seamless journey through his record collection, playing some you may know and some you may not, including some red hot edits of a few classics breaks and beats. Keep your eye on JIM SHARP as he is no slouch when it comes to sharing quality music with the emphasis on flawless mixing. It's a real listening pleasure.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Another Leacy Sureshot

Thanks to my brother from another mother AIDAN ORANGE for sharing this BREAK DJ LEACY vintage beat tape from 1996 which he stumbled upon recently. I remember hearing the first part of this mix as JAMES was compiling it, but never got to listen to the completed tape. Once again we have another LEACY sureshot mix for you - original doubles, b-boys classics, plus a dose of "what the f-ck is that beat" thrown in for good measure. Don't try and imitate as biting is illegal and against the law. Instead, let this inspire you. Thanks AIDAN, and rest in beats JIM!