Props to SKEME RICHARDS and HOT PEAS & BUTTA for celebrating the 40th anniversary of the SHAFT films in style with a super dope mix of SHAFT themes and movie dialogue. I'm sure you have all seen at least one of the films where John Shaft (played by Richard Roundtree) goes up against the Italian mob in search of a black mobster's daughter. Shaft was, and still is, the man! Now you may already know that my man SKEME got all 70's black cinema on lockdown, so what you get here is the real deal and no weak sauce. And if you are more a die-hard hip hop fan than a lover of the breaks, you STILL need to listen to this mix as all the SHAFT soundtracks (thanks to ISAAC HAYES, JONNY PATE & GORDON PARKS) have provided the background beats for many a Golden Era rap record. Have a listen and you are bound to hear something you recognise.
As John Shaft would say ... "Don't let your mouth get your ass in trouble!"
Here's some archive footage of an infamous BASH STREET KIDS party on the District Line in London whaay back in 1987. Simply take a boom box and 20 of your friends onto a tube carriage and hold your own underground party. It was also a welcome excuse for the writers to hit up the insides, and maybe cross the tracks for some daring outide tagging. All this while the train was still in service. You could never have fun like this now.
Classic old school breakbeats, braggodocious rhymes, killer punchlines, super adept scratches, with all cuts recorded raw - it sounds like a would-be menu at a Hip Hop Restaurant serving only the finest in beat cuisine, but it's actually a description of the just released "All Cuts Recorded Raw" LP by the Golden Era's best kept secret PHILL MOST CHILL. There's been talk of this unreleased album seeing the light of day for many years between collectors of hip hop records, and those darn good folks at DIGGERS WITH GRATITUDE have finally turned what was the stuff of legend into a double vinyl long player album with full colour gatefold sleeve plus more bonus items than you can shake a stick at! And if you like your hip hop raw and full of that 80's spirit, then you won't have to look much farther than this LP to satisfy your hip hop cravings this summer. If you haven't picked up your copy yet then I urge you to make your way over to this site to pick up a copy. Your crate is empty without it!
Here's part1 of a hip hop documentary that appeared on UK TV show RAPIDO in around 1990/91. Presented by the UK's very own NORMSKI (he's the UK equivalent of the US hip hop celebrity FAB 5 FREDDY) it starts with a quick history lesson from AFRIKA BAMBAATAA and includes footage of JAZZY JAY on the wheels, and a spine tingling performance from SHA-ROCK of the FUNKY FOUR plus ONE. There's six parts in total, and you will wanna watch all 6. Enjoy.
A belated "Happy Birthday" to JAKE from VILLAGE VINYL. He recently hit the big 4-0 and celebrated with a road trip across California, of course picking up some vintage vinyl on his way. He has put together a selection of Latin grooves to remember the good times by, and I have it on heavy rotation here at the DAILY DIGGERS HQ. I appreciate that is a mile away from our usual selection of boom bap beats and frenzied drums here at BREAKS FOR DAYS BEATS FOR WEEKS, but trust me when I tell you that JAKE knows his onions when it comes to music, so you can be assured of some top notch quality sounds. He spends so much time reading the production credits and artist liner notes on the back of LP covers that he often goes crosseyed for hours at a time (see photo). Whether you are in the mood to sit back and relax, or shake your thing til the break of dawn, this mix will satisfy your needs. Enjoy.
Whilst we are on the subject of wackness in the hip hop industry (and there seems to be a lot of it around nowadays) I had to laugh out loud whilst reading a recent WACK WEDNESDAYS post over at LYRIC2GO website. It's about time someone put to print exactly how wack some of today's so called rappers actually are. And it's not just me being sentimental about the golden era, cuz we had some seriosuly poor MCs back then also. But in those times it was only the minority. Whereas today it is the majority. Wack rappers are $3.99 per dozen. Nuff said.
Over the last 20+ years I have been to more DJ competitions than I care to count. That includes witnessing Q-BERT and MIXMASTER MIKE (then known as the ROCK STEADY DJs) win the DMC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP and also the infamous SKRATCH PIKLZ vs X-MEN battle at the MANHATTAN CENTRE NYC in 1996. I have been lucky enough to experience that spine tingling sensation when a DJ pulls off something incredible on the wheels of steel to a packed house of appreciating hip hoppers. I've even stood right next to DJ CRAZE as he delivers a perfectly executed set of next level scratching and insanely complicated beat juggles. Being based in the UK I've obviously frequented many DMC heats and finals since my first visit in 1990 when DJ DAVID from GERMANY blew the crowd away. I've always had a lot of respect for the organisation that is the DISCO MIX CLUB and for it's founder TONY PRINCE - a man who has put years of hard work and money into organising the DMCs. I haven't always agreed with some of the judges decisions, and I guess that's always gonna happen in any sort of talent contest. All of that said, my problem with the competition now seems to be about the lack of new talent entering the competition. Have hip hop DJs found new and more exciting ways to gain fame on the turntables? I don't know the answer to that, but I do know there is a lack of skilled deck technicians in this year's heats. I recently watched some supposed "highlights" of the 2011 DMC London heat and I must be honest I was dismayed at what I saw. If the video you are about to see represents the cream of LONDON's scratch DJ talent, then I guess it's time to hang up the needles and call it a day. In a word ... wack! The last dude's scratching is downright laughable - LONDON step ya game up!
oooOOWEEEEE! DJ MARK the 45 KING once again getting ill on the doubles, this time using two copies of his "Breakbeats For Dummies Volume 5". There's almost ten minutes of turntable action here, and as usual he's smooth like peanut butter (unless of course you like the crunchy variety!)
...and here's another instalment of MAKING THE BEAT with 45 KING and DOUBLE J conversating about the good old days, including how RAHIEM (In all the ladies' dreams) was the killing it back in the days, both as a member of FUNKY FOUR and also later when he joined the FURIOUS FIVE. If you didn't know that story already then you need to brush up on your old school history.
Now it's time to give you a heads up on a super duty tough vinyl only break mix which is set to be playing from everyone's boombox this summer. DJ SKAMROK has been busy working the turntables in traditional style representing TBB (THE BRONX BOYS) Rocking Crew at SKILLZ 2 BURN in Florida, but before he left for the US he gave me the scoop on his new CD with fellow beathead JOHNNY DETT (you may remember we featured his "Uncut Raw" mix back in September last year). This time the duo have joined forces to unleash a barrage of under-the-radar breakbeats for the b-boys and b-girls to get down to. Strictly doubles is the "modus operandi" here, and it goes without saying always rocked in a traditional Bronx fashion. If you haven't got a copy of SKAMROK's previous break mix "ROK WITH STYLE" then I suggest you hunt down a copy because that is often played and highly recommended by the DAILY DIGGERS. SKAMROK has been buying records since he turned a teenager, and was enlightened towards the mystical ways of the "break DJ" growing up within close radius of my good friend BREAK DJ JAMES LEACY, who sadly is no longer with us. SKAMROK was mesmerised (as I was) whilst watching LEACY spin rare break doubles as far back as the the early 90s and I guess watching him inspired us both to learn the history. Nowadays you will find SKAMROK spinning funky records cross continent with the likes of DANNY DAN THE BEATMAN (check out the DAILY DIGGERS interview with DANNY DAN here) and SOLO 138, so you know he is in good company.
"LET IT BE BROKE" is available to buy now on CD, simply get yourself over to SKAMROK's website to order a copy. SKAMROK sets off the first half of this CD with breaks new and old, classics and obscure jams from around the world, then JOHNNY DETT kicks in with a full 30 minutes of crazy B-Boy Breaks, many unheard gems! To get you amped here's a little preview of the good stuff to come....
Plenty of choice this Saturday night for those who wanna get down. CLASSIC MATERIAL returns at The City & Arts Music Project in Old Street London with DJs CHRIS READ, DJ NICKNAME and MR THING celebrating hip hop music from 1994. There will be some turntable wizardry on the night and the door is FREE so if you are in London this Saturday you know where to go.
Also on Saturday DJ DEK ONE will be dropping 45rpm jewels at SWEAT in Birmingham. DEK will be returning to his hometown and celebrating 20yrs of DJing this year so expect some floor filling sureshots...
"This month sees a dj from the original 90s SWEAT club days at the institute/dance factory guesting, dj DEK ONE will be returning to his home, brum from london to spin rare deep funk and soul 45s, as well as the right classics, unreleased 45s, and not being scared to drop some of the right disco funk and crossover, too, expect some fresh soul sounds all with a funky edge, rocking the floor like he did last time, dek is celebrating 20 years as a dj this year, and has some killer 45s from collecting over that time, and will be leaving the classics to later, instead trying to bring lesser known tracks into the spotlight to help progress the scene, theyre all pure dancer street funk bombs though so no worries about the dancefloor, and hugggy bear will be there in spirit. This is sure to be one of the most Funkiest Sweat's of 2011. Be great to see you cats there."
Whatever you decide, make sure your Saturday night is as eventful as this one...
It's a little after 9am and I like to start my day with a little workout session before breakfast, to get me pumped up and ready for the day. I like to keep the cardio-vascular side of things in tip top condition, so every day I use my Technics SL1200 exercise machines to keep me in shape. Going for a jog or doing press-ups is a yawn, I'd much rather be rocking records and slapping faders!
TUF TIM TWIST (RSC) is a legend not just in the UK b-boy scene, but also across the world as a veteran floor rocker and master of many styles. TWIST was breakin' in the UK as early as '83 and was so die-hard that he never stopped throughout the 80s, 90s and noughties. As a member of ALWAYS ROCKIN' TUFF (along with EVO and TC BREAK) he travelled the world to dance at the BATTLE OF THE YEAR showcases in Europe as well as at the ROCK STEADY ANNIVERSARY jams in New York, and earned his ROCK STEADY membership for showing unadulterated love for hip hop culture. I met TIM at GERMANY BOTY 94 through my good friend JAMES LEACY (rest in peace) and soon realised that there were not many people in the UK as passionate about b-boy culture as TUF TIM TWIST. Despite TIM being a family man and heavily involved in b-boy events across the country, he is also an accomplished graff writer and designs the freshest custom denim jackets for b-boys and b-girls alike. Back in the days a pieced denim was the freshest look over a mock neck with tight Lee jeans and Puma sneakers on your feet. If you wanna be dressed to impress this summer whilst standing at the edge of the circle at your next battle or jam then TUF TIM TWIST is the man you wanna contact. Every year at the SONY ERRICSSON b-boy champs TIM designs a jacket which is presented to the winner of the BREAK DJ LEACY "Chief Rocker" award. He can design and create a denim piece to make the suckers run in fear. The price varies depending on whether you want a complete back painted or just a middle panel piece, but either way it's very reasonable indeed and worth every penny! He can even supply the denim jacket itself. It could not be easier? Check him out on the link .... and big respect to TUF TIM TWIST from the DAILY DIGGERS.
BIG DADDY KANE on the mic showing that he's got the juice at ERICK SERMON's birthday bash in 1988, while COOL J and BIZ MARKIE look on. If you were down back then you will know that nobody came close to KANE when he was at his peak.
My homeboys from boogie-down Bournemouth AGENT FINCH and DJ JABBATHAKUT have teamed up to put together a full length no holds barred mix for us folks here at BREAKS FOR DAYS BEATS FOR WEEKS and also to be featured on DISCO SCRATCH RADIO SHOW (check it out of you don't know already). Now it's no surprise that these two hip hop fanatics have got together to work on a mix project as they're brothers from the same mother. JABBA is the man with the golden turntable touch (I think on the cuts he sounds like the UK's version of DJ REVOLUTION) and AGENT FINCH is the vinyl junkie responsible for the record choices up in the mix. You'll find it a top choice selection of hip hop anthems, classic breaks, golden era gems and other killer grooves - don't sleep, don't delay, grab yourself a listen today!
Nowadays everyone including your next door neighbour's cat claims to be a deejay, a disc jockey, turntablist ... whatever you wanna call it. And with the invention of the mp3 format at the turn of the century, an instant music collection was now achievable for anyone with just a few keyboard strokes and a broadband internet connection. Who can't do that? Convenient - yes I guess it is. Easy - no doubt it's a doddle. But is it as much fun and going out there and physically hunting down records in the field? Is the atmosphere the same online as being surrounded by crates of dusty record sleeves in some out of the way spot no-one seems to have pillaged yet? Is it the same as stumbling upon that rare 70s funk 45 you've been looking for for ages? I very much doubt the excitement levels are the same. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that the mp3 format allows me to digitize and even enhance my old tapes, and the ability that Serato gives you to cut up doubles of your freshly created beat is mind boggling. I recommend it for circuit DJs who are fed up with carrying boxes of heavy records around the globe. But for me personally music recorded on vinyl, plastic, styrene, flexi-disc, acetate etc. in disc form will always be my preferred choice. You can come and empty the hard drive of the PC here at DAILY DIGGERS HQ and you will find plenty of old school tapes, break mixes, hip hop mixtapes etc. but I care not for individual tracks or albums so you won't find much. If I like a long player or single then I hunt that release down either on my many record spot missions, through dealers and other record buddies, or trace it through the web if I'm struggling on a certain title. I do buy a lot online, and there's no shame in my game where that is concerned - I have paced the pavements of South East England and beyond in search of records for more years than the average age of most of today's DJs. So I have already paid my dues, and I want to give respect to all those like minded cats I have met or communicated with that share the love for vinyl also. Props to you fellas and ladies - keep diggin'. But to those wack mp3 only DJs out there ... you can kiss my cue burn!!
The DIGGERS WITH GRATITUDE crew are proud to present the highly anticipated PHILL MOST CHILL "All Cuts Recorded Raw" LP as their next limited vinyl release. And what a release this is due to be - of all the lesser-known MCs from the Golden Era PHILL MOST CHILL is undoubtedly one who stands out from the crowd as being an individual blessed with some serious talent, whether that be as an emcee or as a beat conductor. Hurry up and catch the scoop over at DIGGERS WITH GRATITUDE and get your order placed TODAY. I can't see these babies being left on the shelf for too long.
Here's another dose of breaks beats and samples from the DAILY DIGGERS record crates to put a little pep in your step this summer weekend. This time there's almost ninety minutes of fun(k) starting off with an early 90s hip hop selection including LORD FINESSE, KRS ONE, TRIBE, DIAMOND D, KOOL G RAP, ROXANNE SHANTE and DA KING & I. And as usual half way through we flip the script and switch to breaks and samples with records from LES McCANN, BILL DEAL, HENRY MANCINI, THE GODFATHER JAMES BROWN and DAVID AXELROD amongst others. Are y'all ready??
Illustrious deck technician DJ FORMAT will be controlling the sounds on THURSDAY 16th JUNE at THE SWAN in IPSWICH. If you live in the East Anglia region of the UK then this is your chance to witness the man himself live on two turntables - not many in the UK rock the show like he does!