Props to SKEME RICHARDS and HOT PEAS & BUTTA for celebrating the 40th anniversary of the SHAFT films in style with a super dope mix of SHAFT themes and movie dialogue. I'm sure you have all seen at least one of the films where John Shaft (played by Richard Roundtree) goes up against the Italian mob in search of a black mobster's daughter. Shaft was, and still is, the man!
Now you may already know that my man SKEME got all 70's black cinema on lockdown, so what you get here is the real deal and no weak sauce.
And if you are more a die-hard hip hop fan than a lover of the breaks, you STILL need to listen to this mix as all the SHAFT soundtracks (thanks to ISAAC HAYES, JONNY PATE & GORDON PARKS) have provided the background beats for many a Golden Era rap record. Have a listen and you are bound to hear something you recognise.
As John Shaft would say ... "Don't let your mouth get your ass in trouble!"
Latest tracks by hotpeasandbutta
You always on your games hunting out whats fresh for the people! Thanks for the love!
yeah thanks Skeme we got so much of that freshhhh stuff going on over here it's like a refridgerator at the Daily Diggers HQ.
It's great to know people like yourself are keeping the true school mentality alive.
Real heads who know the deal get much love over here .... whilst the suckers bite the dust!!
Kid Dyno
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