Nothing annoys me more than a dope record in my crates which is in less than great condition and has a few pops and crackles here and there. When this happens I try my best to rejuvenate that shit with

a few of my tried and trusted techniques (remember this post
here?). Well now I wanna educate y'all with a clever way of bringing up the lustre on your favourite vinyl whilst at the same time improving the sound quality. Does this sound too good to be true.....well read on and you won't be disappointed
Recently I spotted a new method of buffing your vinyl over at the excellent
CRATE KINGS website. Deep cleaning the grooves has always been fraught with danger, and it is easy to ruin a record's condition whilst trying to improve it. Particularly those stubborn pop-causing nuggets that wedge themselves deep into the vinyl. No brush or fluid will ever remove those. However this new method, using PVA wood glue, can even eliminate many of these. Apparently the chemical relationship between the PVA (poly vinyl acetate) and the the record (poly vinyl chloride) is such that the bonding process is inhibited to the point where the PVA can be peeled

off once it is dry.
The process works like this:
1. using stickers, place small flaps onto the run-in and run-out grooves.
These make the dried glue easier to peel off. I suggest four stickers at right angles, both on the outside of the vinyl and also near the label.
2. take one dusty noisy record and whilst rotating it on a OLD turntable, cover the grooves with concentric lines of PVA glue. Then use a credit card to smooth the glue lines into a thin disc covering all of the grooves. Make sure your sticker flaps are still visible.
3. allow to dry for 12hrs+. Although the glue doesn't permanently bond with the vinyl, it does however eat up all the crap in between the two. So when the dried glue disc is removed, it takes all of those dirt particles with it.
4. remove the glue, play the record and rejoice at the improvement.
The pictures above speak for themselves - this is one ingenious way of removing the snap, crackle and pop from your beloved records. And yes I can confirm it works, although I recommend you try a test record first, and do NOT try it on your TECHNICS or other expensive turntables. You risk gluing the platter down solid. And you don't wanna do that now do you?
Get cleaning...
Kid Dyno