Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Got Nikes on My Feet and To Be Complete...

These babies weren't featured in NIKE TOWN's sale department, but they are so fresh I had to bag them anyway. We're talking NIKE AIR FORCE ONE MIDS in olive green leather and suede with black midsole and swoosh and a brown sole. Not limited, not quickstrike, not hyperstrike, just a simple yet funky fresh colourway. Go get 'em!!

Kid Dyno

Last Dig Of 2009

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and Santa left you something dope under the tree! It is supposedly the festive season over here in London, but most people are just going nuts right now for the Christmas and New Year sales. All that queueing, pushing and shoving certainly doesn't look like "christmas spirit" to me. Today I spent the afternoon in the city and there were spending frenzies wherever I looked. Me - I wasn't about to deal with that frantic shit, I was simply making my way through the capital's vinyl haunts in search of my own bargains of the vinyl kind...
The Christmas break and a serious water infection (damn painful) have kept me out the crates for a couple of weeks now, and I was certainly feeling the withdrawal symptoms. At that rate I would have to change our name to the WEEKLY DIGGERS, but it just doesn't have the same ring to it does it? I cannot lie, I did still receive some records through the post from my usual international sources, but it ain't the same as plugging in the mp3, rocking a heavy duty mixtape, and heading off on a mission to the charity stores and vinyl emporiums of London town. Oh, and I gotta say it was good to bump into the legend that is HAMEED SUPA LARGE, AKA the mighty FRESH. Anyone who digs for hip hop beats knows the man that is FRESH. Big props to you my man and a very happy new year to you! I hope you find some rare shit on your travels.

Right here we go with a few of today's vinyl picks. All of these records were less than a tenner; no serious bargains but hey it's all about the quality of the music.

I love the track "FIRE" from this LP. An absolute killer dancefloor record if you wanna encourage some b-boy moves or uprock. No doubt you will be familiar with it even if you don't own a copy. Most of OSIBISA's music is percussion heavy, with afro rhythms and a real upbeat feel about it. The track "Fire" is provocative to say the least, maybe this is why it is a b-boy favourite. I have a few OSIBISA albums and all of them are great listening if you are into funky afro rock. Plus there is great artwork on nearly all of their LPs so they are eyecatching to say the least. Shame on you if you leave one when next out rummaging in the crates.
OSIBISA - "Fire"

SLY & THE FAMILY STONE "Sing a Simple Song" 45rpm EPIC RECORDS
OK, so this one is damned obvious, but I defy you to find a heavier break loop than the one on this early 70's gem. I remember loving this track before I even knew what it was. It has been used and abused by many hip hop artists, and tracks from other genres also, but I never tire of hearing it. For me the best use of the loop was by WITCHDOCTOR and the DOMINATING THREE M.C.s use of the loop on "Takin' No Shorts" as featured in our post HERE.
Once again I make no excuses for playing this record, I already had a (burnt out) 7" version on UK, so it was time to mint up. Today I managed to find one a US copy for £6 in great condition. Thanks to TONY at M.V.E. in Notting Hill for this copy, and for some of the other dope records he has sorted me out with over the last year.
SLY STONE - "Sing a Simple Song"

Sing A Simple Loop

FRIERSON BROS. - "Gotham City" 12" 1997 HMC RECORDS
This one is an underground record which deserves more props than it gets. In fact I would go as far as to say this joint is a classic. Have a listen and feel free to disagree with me if you think I'm trippin'. I'm a sucker for a funky loop and no frills, and this describes this beat perfectly. The producers amongst you may think it is too basic for a beat, but if it ain't broke don't fix it I always say. No amount of chops or speeded up soul vocals are gonna disguise a wack beat. When it comes to crispy home-made beats here at the DAILY DIGGERS HQ, I have very much the same ideals. Loop it, flip it, rock it.
Anyway, I digress. Back to the joint in question. Some of the astute readers will realise that this joint is by none other than Harvey L Frierson and his brother Richard "Younglord" Frierson. Yep, the same guys who were involved with SPORT G & MASTERMIND's dope releases "Live" and "Louder" on STREETWALK records. And also 360 DEGREES "Pelon" - the bronx banger that lay undiscovered for over ten years until a certain DJ IVORY mix. Oooooowweeeee!
This is an odd release in the fact that it has a house music a-side, but pure butter on the flip. I was speaking only recently to my man RareDave from DWG about this record, and then one pops up. Maybe I should do this more often. It also has a dope remix of "Gotham City".
FRIERSON BROS - "Gotham City"

SPOONIE GEE - "New Love Rap" 12" ENJOY RECORDS 1980
A great find for a mere three pounds (six dollars). I think a few of today's emcees could learn a thing or two from the emcee SPOONIE SPOON. Just check him out doing his thing on the mic back in 1985 with a follow up to his 1978 hit "Love Rap", again on ENJOY RECORDS (owned by his uncle the legendary soul producer Bobby Robinson). He sounds smooth as butter and flows like water. Don't sleep on SPOONIE GEE. This 1985version starts with what sounds like live drums, and funky they are too. Great for old school hip hoppers and b-boys too.
I'm one to buy any old school joints I find while on a mission, including some of the disco rap 12"s which seem to be left untouched by many hip hop collectors. I understand that these records were critiscised as not being representative of real hip hop music from the park jam days, but they still form the archive of rap records history. And when I say old school, let's not get it twisted or upset anyone here. I know a few people have debated what IS regarded as the old school as far as hip hop is concerned. Let me just tell you it ain't the likes of ERIC B & RAKIM, EPMD etc.. like I see sometimes. Damn ignorance. Tell 'em SPOONIE....
SPOONIE GEE - "New Love Rap"

More finds to be added soon....

Kid Dyno

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Merry Xmas Y'all

Yo ho ho! I wanna say a huge MERRY XMAS to all our readers and contributors. I hope y'all have a festive christmas, and that Santa brings you something dope in your christmas stocking! And a SEASONS GREETINGS shout to all the beatdiggers, beatheads, hip hoppers, b-boys, b-girls and writers out there. Keep doing what you do in twenty ten. We'll be back before the new year with a BREAKS FOR DAYS RADIO festive edition. Stay tuned.

Kid Dyno

Monday, 21 December 2009

It's Cold Outside

We're in the midst of winter here in the UK - right now there's four inches (and counting) of snow outside the DAILY DIGGERS HQ. Poor conditions if you wanna get out and about on the hunt for vinyl, but perfect for rocking the DOUBLE GOOSE COUNTRY. Even in this weather they are guaranteed to keep you warm despite all the elements that mother nature can throw at you. The big decision is ... which one to rock? BEAT DETECTIVE goes for the bright red leather three quarter length jacket, and I got my "mugsy" face on wearing a midnight blue v-stitch with brown fur. We're toasty YO!

Stay warm out there!

Kid Dyno

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Vintage UK Trains

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Guest Mixes by ADE

One of the best things about this site (even if I do say so myself) is that a few of YOU people out there are more than dextrous on the 1s and 2s and have sent in mixes that you know will rock nicely along with the subject matter of BREAKS FOR DAYS. My job has been very much to enjoy these mixes firstly, and then share the best of them with you. At this point I want to say another thanks to those mixes we have featured so far; may I suggest you check through our post archive if you have missed them? Plus I would still like to invite other beatheads to submit their mixes whether it be straight-up hip hop, breaks, funk, or a healthy mixture of beat-orientated music. You know the deal, get those crates out and rock shit lovely!
Today I've gonna drop a few mixes that I've been enjoying for some months, but waiting for the right time to bless you with. All courtesy of my man ADE from down on the UK's south coast. Now it's almost Christmas and I feel this mix is now ripe for the sharing - I guess it's got a kinda festive vibe to it, but do not worry it is without any cheesy christmas records. The first one is a fast and furious mix that is gonna get you thinking "I know this joint ... what the hell is it?". But before you can recall it another beat drops and so on - it must feature a zillion records! It's starts on a sporty theme (you will hear what I mean) but it's all good music with no excuses, blended to perfection with the aim of keeping your head nodding to the very end. And it works.
The second is a nice section of breaks and beats doubled up in true school tradition. And thirdly we have a bonus nugget from ADE just to keep you on your toes. But that's not all, I also have in my hands a 45s mix by ADE that I will drop right here on BREAK FOR DAYS just before Christmas. Let's wet your appetite first with some dope beats....

ADE Mix 1

ADE on the wheels of steel

ADE bonus nugget

Hold tight for the 45s mix. Many thanks and big props to ADE for all of his hard work.


Kid Dyno

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Big Daddy Kane Gets Raw

Here's some short but rarely seen footage of the BIG DADDDY himself getting loose at the 1989 DMC champs. I like the part where he removes the gold rope so he doesn't catch an eye jammy! And what better stage for BDK than a giant turntable. It's not his best performance by any means, but still good to watch. Although anyone who has caught KANE live on stage will know he is a guaranteed winner and always gets the crowd hype. I remember my disappointment in the 90's when BIZ MARKIE didn't show up for his concert at THE FORUM in Kentish Town, London. The crowd weren't given any notice and were not in good mood once inside the venue to find out BIZ wasn't there (myself included). But KANE took the stage in replacement and tore the roof right off the muthafucker! To this day I have never seen so many people in a club going buckwild - that's what "Set It Off" did that night!

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Eye Candy

Collecting records can be hard work on the brain. I find it impossible sometimes to remember all the artist names, track names, and album titles of releases that I am searching for. Admittedly it was hip hop that was my first wax passion, and although my hip hop shelves stretch as far as the eye can see, even I find it hard to remember the rarer and more obscure rap joints e.g. DJ Whatshisname and MC Forgotitalready. I hate to think how many dope rap joints I have passed on over the years based on a wack cover or easily forgettable name. And I'm not one to write a "wants list" as the damn thing would need updating weekly. So my journey into collecting funk, jazz, rock and disco breaks years later only began to muddle my brain further. So much of the time I try and remember the LP covers themselves, as a choice piece of cover artwork can often stick in my brain better than an album title. I may forget the artist, but then when I come across the record cover again on one of my missions, my memory banks kick in and the light bulb flicks on above my Kangol. OK so this only helps me when out digging in the field, but you KNOW I prefer to hit as many real spots as possible and get my hands well and truly filthy! Take a peep at some of the eye candy on display here. As usual, click on the image to enlarge. The records come from a wide variety of genres including funk, rock, library and jazz but ALL are certified dope. There is even a dope German piece. Cop them if you spot them!

Kid Dyno

edit: That TIREBITER LP is a bitch to find on the cheap, ever since DJ EINSTEIN blew it up on his list of top ten drums to sample. What's good YOUNG EINSTEIN if you're reading this! Dyno

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Friday, 4 December 2009

It Never Ranes But It Pours!

Damn, I have been shit outta luck lately. Firstly, here in the UK we have suffered a month of constant rain with localised flooding and it's co-incided with the beginning of the Christmas rush. Now all this doesn't help a hardened digger like myself get out and about to get his fix of dusty vinyl. Shitty weather, traffic chaos and millions of aimless christmas shoppers are possibly three of my most hated things in life.
To add to this, a few weeks ago, my VESTAX PMC 05Pro mixer started making some God awful humming sounds (cue "Humrush" by KMD). In fact on the last BREAKS FOR DAYS radio show we struggled to keep the "hum" to a minimum during recording, no matter which knobs we twiddled with. Frustrating! We even changed leads with no success. The audiophiles amongst you will understand how this can ruin your musical experience.
This is my second PMC 05Pro (the first blew up within days of buying it) and I guess I am lucky that it has lasted almost 10 years, despite burning up maybe four or five crossfaders over that time. So I guessed it was time to retire the VESTAX, and one thing I was adamant on was that VESTAX were NOT getting any more of my hard earned money.
So the obvious choice was to buy a RANE - I have heard great things and had my eyes on these little beauties for some time, but the price tag of almost £700 here in the UK has put me off. But now I had little choice; either suffer the humming sound, or raid the piggy bank, drop the Vestax off at the mixer graveyard, and fill that space between the 1200s with some new technology.
Decision made, I scoured the net and was soon the highest bidder on a "mint" but used RANE TTM-56 on eBay, for a shade over £300. Sounded like a bargain to me, so maybe my luck was changing for the better.
But the RANE has arrived today, well packaged, but now with a broken cue switch WTF! The seller had placed the power pack directly onto the mixer face, which then moved around in the box during transit taking the switch with it. I gotta say I was straight up pissed.
A couple of frantic telephone conversations with the seller later, and we finally agreed on a partial refund leaving me to get a replacement cue switch, or bodge a repair somehow. This is not quite how I planned it, but I'm a realist and I know I ain't gonna find another RANE TTM-56 for less than £300. I try not to let things like this get me down, but it still sucks!
On a more positive note, I'm already liking the vastly superior sound quality of the RANE compared to the VESTAX, and this is softening the blow of today's fiasco. So at least you can expect some even crisper sounds next time we let loose with BREAKS FOR DAYS radio.

Kid Dyno

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Thank YOU - 99k and counting

The hit counter here at BREAKS FOR DAYS has clicked over onto 99,000 visits. I gotta say I'm pleasantly surprised by the amount of traffic we have received over the last two years six months. I guess it's a good time to say a big thanks to all our readers, both the regulars and those who have recently stumbled onto our site. I hope you will continue to do so. It inspires me when I receive contact from similar minded beatheads from across the globe, to discuss particular breaks, and often enlightening me on new records to search for. On the odd occasion even the artist themselves have popped in to drop a comment (Bill Blast, Phase & Rhythm, Phill Most Chill, Big Ted aka Jeopardy, Mr Thing). Real hip hop is certainly not dead YO! Simply click on the "followers" button to the right of the page to ensure YOU don't miss out on the dopest beats.
And I also gotta give a super shout out to those who have contributed mixes; FISH BOOGIE, P&O, JABBA THA KUT & CRATEDIGGER, MR KRUM and those to come. Watch out for the forthcoming blend from ADE down on the UK's south coast, coming real soon.
As long as my vinyl hoarding obsession continues in search of the perfect beat, I'll keep bringing those vinyl treats to BREAKS FOR DAYS to share with y'all.

Stay fresh!

Kid Dyno

Friday, 27 November 2009

The Powerful Powerlord

Once in a while, a hip hop artist will step up to the frame with a couple of banging joints, only to vanish into thin air and leave their audience begging for more. For example I could drop names like UPTOWN (remember "Dope On Plastic"?), SEEBORN & PUMA, PHASE & RHYTHM, and in this instance I'm thinking of SUGAR BEAR THE POWERFUL POWERLORD. The moment I first heard "Don't Scandalize Mine" I knew the track was gonna be big, but even I was surprised when it crossed over to the mainstream here in the UK. It's such a shame when dope emcees don't get the chances they deserve, especially when we are surrounded by a zillion wack rappers in the music industry these days. I always loved the sound of SUGAR BEAR's voice, and there was no questioning the beats on the debut 12" single on COSLIT RECORDS. But no product came after that, apart from one quick guest vocal on a 1989 RICHIE RICH track entitled "Coming From London" on GEE STREET RECORDS. This was recorded whilst SUGAR BEAR was on European tour and hooked up with the UK's RICHIE RICH who was making noise back then. The track they recorded together was musically no technical masterpiece, despite good use of "Brother Green" and "Long Red" drums, but SUGAR BEAR's distinct rhymes and RICHIE RICH's competent cuts (or is it SUGAR BEAR's DJ CUT COUSIN??) make the track worth a listen.
If you wanna read more about THE POWERFUL POWERLORD, click HERE to read a dope interview with the man himself, including how he stumbled into making a hip hop record whilst acting as manager for SON OF BAZERK. It makes a great read while you check out "Coming from London" below.



Kid Dyno

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

More B-Boy Breaks on 45

It's been a long time - I shouldn't have left you...without some strong beats to step to. So here I am back with some more baddaass b-boy breaks on 45 to quench your thirst for beats. It's been a while since my last 45rpm special, so I've included some essential rhythms for the b-boys and b-girls. It's now five years since my good friend and legendary break DJ JAMES LEACY passed away, and I still find myself looking for records that he put me up on years ago. Plus there's a few records he wouldn't reveal (not even to me - he was a stickler for hip hop traditions) that I'm only finding now in 2009. Damn, he was at the pinnacle of his game when we lost him. But his legacy grows bigger together with the growth of the B-Boy culture, and I like to see that. We miss you JIM!
So a mixture of my feelings about LEACY, and hearing SKEME RICHARDS play recently at the SONY ERICSSON UK B-BOY CHAMPS has inspired me to pull out some fresh b-boy beats from the DAILY DIGGERS crates. You know we got tons of beats ready for the throwdown or hoedown, so here goes....

A particular favourite of mine - I used this heavy disco joint on my DAILY DIGGERS SOUND break mix from a few years back, mainly because the breakdown is, as KURTIS BLOW would say, "so damn tough". But both here and there I use the instrumental version, whereas the a-side pf the 45rpm has female vocals included. Either way the compulsive rhythm gets you in the uptempo groove, and lures you onto the dancefloor. And when the breakdown comes it has more shuffle than Muhammed Ali!

This 45 is actually a hard to find bootleg of one of the cuts off the ORGANIZATION LP (a seriously rare piece) but even this unoffical 45 makes mad loot on the internet as the demand for it is so high. I have been lucky enough to see the original LP in the flesh, and I know who pressed up the 45rpm, although it was over 15 years ago now. T.A.T. stands for "That's A Tune" I am reliably informed.
As far as I know, this is the funkiest cut off the LP and features some monster horn riffs over heavy sounding and very crisp drums. I love it personally, yet I have never heard it spun for a b-boy circle. If you know otherwise please hit me up with a comment.

RUFUS THOMAS - "Do The Funky Penguin pt2" STAX RECORDS 1971
I'm sure everyone knows this classsic UBB break beat already, but it's part II that really rocks the house in my humble opinion. Those killer drums in the intro are insane, and as usual with a 45rpm pressing they sound much fatter than on any other vinyl format - perfect for sampling. Bizarrely he then leads into the Wedding March melody before letting off the real funk guns. THOMAS sings "Don't Just Sit There, Get On Up!", perfect for enticing some floor rock in a circle.
RUFUS certainly blessed us with some dope ass break records over the years, most of them involving animals in some shape or form LOL... thanks RUFUS.

Now this joint is a sureshot record to drop if you wanna fill the circle with b-boy action! Not what you would normally expect from GREGORY (from what I know) and released on the b-side of the Italian 45rpm pressing of the single "One More Time". Right from the word go it's got funky drums and provocative bass stabs whilst GREGORY gets warmed up. And then the bongos drop and all hell breaks loose. This is an uber-funky joint despite being from 1975, when DISCO was just beginning to get a grip on the public's musical taste.
GREGORY continues with his forceful chants .... "Come On Now Gimme Babe!" ... and sounds very demanding in his message. But to top things off there is a drum break and ripe bongo solo with strings to add the suspense. Drop this and watch the b-boys go wild.
I must shout out props to FISH BOOGIE, I know you just copped this record recently.

Now this is one of the first drum break 45s I ever purchased, from CRAZY BEAT RECORD SHOP in Upminster, UK. It must have been early 90s if my memory serves me correctly. Anyway, this is a straight up funk banger from start to finish, with a jerky drum break intro, but also has a very short but addictive little loop in the middle (I've edited the clip in the style of Louis Flores of UBB fame to extend the break part). The whole track is only a shade over two minutes long and often catches me sleeping when I'm spinning out and about.

Wow - this funky shit goes whaaay back to 1965. Records like this kinda broaden my well-established digging horizons to be honest, as I normally stick to the late 60's early 70's sound. It just shows how wrong you can be.
This joint starts with an awesome drum roll, and continues bass heavy and with snappy drums throughout. The nasal vocals only add to the bugged out mood of this funky little number on JEWEL RECORDS (one label to most definitely look out for). But for me it is the persistent drums that keep my head boppin and legs shaking! It makes me wanna get down, just as any true b-boy record should.

This one is a serious uprock classic, and has lots of little rhythm changes and breakdowns all leading up to the main throwdown. Even without the dancers you can imagine the scene.
The snappy snares and funky bassline keeps the jam flowing throughout, accompanied by the traditional whoops and cheers from the studio crowd. The horns and guitar have a riff battle at one stage just prior to a horn solo and then the breakdown itself. Hot shit!

keep rockin'...

Kid Dyno

Monday, 23 November 2009

MFS Brotha

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Cooldjfrank interviews....

Check out Cooldjfrank's interview with AUSTIN TADDEI discussing the art of making beats, Philly Hip Hop, and diggin' for rare hip hop records. It's a low budget affair, but the same can't be said for those records on AUSTIN's wall - there's some straight-up killer LPs on display! Props to him.
And you will see he spins the previously unreleased "Raise Up" by the legendary MAIN SOURCE (DWG promo 7" release) ... oooh nice!

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Vintage NYC Trains

Here's some vintage paint on steel from NYC's transit system. In particular it shows one of my favourite window-downs from Trap, Dez and Skeme and a dope "camouflaged" 3D burner by the mighty Kase. Simply click on the photos to enlarge.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Sit Back Relax Listen to Some Hip-Hop

As much as I love to discover a crispy drum break, I'm also real partial to any classic samples from yesterday's hip hop music. Essentially, the art of making dope hip hop beats involves taking a few of your favourite segments of music from other genres, and sandwiching them together into a new, much doper composition. It might be a 2 bar loop, or simply some drum chops, but the art is to listen out for that "hip hop" sound (if you dig for beats then you will know what I mean by this).
So if you like the hip hop track, then in turn you will also appreciate the original records that were sampled to make it. For me it has opened doors to musical genres that I never thought I would look into. But hey, that's what good music can do for you. And hip hop is good music.

Sit Back Relax Listen to Some Hip-Hop

Kid Dyno

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Breaks for Days Radio

I finally got round to recording another hour or so of our vinyl tomfoolery here at the DAILY DIGGERS HQ. Sorry for the long wait ... but I've been mad busy lately . I gotta be honest though, there's no real preparation to what records we play, other than that my buddy BEAT DETECTIVE brings round a bag of his freshest wax finds, and I pull out of my racks whatever feels right at the time. Let's call it a spontaneous beatdown.
There's plenty of breaks & beats to go round this week - definitely one for the beatheads. But of course we wouldn't dare leave you without dropping a few hip hop gems. I hope you enjoy the "less talk more sounds" approach this week. Rock on!


Kid Dyno

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Double Goose

The regular readers of BREAKS FOR DAYS will remember my post a couple of years back about the legendary DOUBLE GOOSE COUNTRY leather jackets made famous by the likes of RUN DMC, RAKIM, LL COOL J, and all your other favourite rappers. That's right, anyone who was anyone in Hip Hop back in the 1980's sported a v-stitch GOOSE with fur collar. Now that shit was super fresh back in the days, and it's super fresh right now. The guys from DOUBLE GOOSE in France have opened a pop-up store in NYC and you know it's gonna be a sell out. So do not sleep, as these new DOUBLE GOOSE jackets are made to the highest quality, and in some of the freshest colours. I've even heard that to celebrate bringing the DOUBLE GOOSE jacket back to New York City, they are producing a limited number of orange v-stitch bombers. Holy smoke, I NEED one of those jackets (Thomas from DOUBLE GOOSE I hope you're reading this!). As my readers already know I'm a serious GOOSEDOWN addict, so I need to add to the 3 originals I already own. And I must say that I fully support DOUBLE GOOSE and give them massive props for bringing the real deal jackets back onto the streets. The photo on the left shows SKEME RICHARDS RSC (super rocking break deejay) and my bad self sporting my original beige v stitch bomber GOOSE (and yes I do still have the fur). Check out my earlier GOOSEDOWN post using the link below, and get your arse down to the pop-up store in NYC and keep yourself warm this winter, whilst still looking superbootytuff!

Get Down with the Goosedown


And a shout to Thomas @ DOUBLE GOOSE - please keep a bottle-green bomber with black fur on ice for your boy Kid Dynomite. Say word!

Thanks to SKEME RICHARDS for the photo (it was great to hook up at the b-boy champs homeslice!)

& props to OLLIE TEEBA for sporting his red v-stitch DOUBLE GOOSE bodywarmer at KING OF THE BEATS last that's that shit!

Kid Dyno

Monday, 19 October 2009

DJ Shame Interview - Dust & Grooves

If you're a heavy record collector with an addiction to all things fonky, then you NEED to check out this dope interview with DJ SHAME by my man EILON PAZ from That's some crazy records on the wall huh? Massive props go to EILON for documenting the beatdigging and record collecting culture. If you didn't know about his Dust & Grooves website, then NOW you KNOW! And keep checking his site cuz you never know who may pop up next ... ;o)

click here to peep it.

Kid Dyno

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Monday, 12 October 2009

Breaks For Days Radio

...coming reeeal soon.

Calling all you beatdiggers and hip hoppers! If you got any requests, you know what to do. Stay tuned.

Kid Dyno

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Sony Ericsson B-Boy Championships - World Finals

The World’s best breakers bring the Battle to Britain at the annual Sony Ericsson B-Boy Championships World Finals this coming SATURDAY and SUNDAY in LONDON. Crews from around the world will be flying into the UK Capital with the main aim of wiping the floor with their competition and taking home the crown.

Spinning the freshest breaks and beats over the weekend will be DJs RENEGADE, SKEME RICHARDS, SHORTEE BLITZ and DJ TIMBER. And I'm hoping to be there myself to soak up the atmosphere and watch a few dope moves. Hopefully those of you in the LONDON area will be reaching either of the jams at ISLINGTON on SATURDAY, or BRIXTON on SUNDAY for the final.

Here's the press release ...

"The best dancers from around the globe will be competing for the coveted title of Sony Ericsson World Champions.
The best poppers, lockers, B-Girls and B-Boys will flaunt their best moves and tricks at the Brixton Academy on Sunday 11th October in the World’s #1 B-Boy competition. Hosted by the original and undisputed founder of B-Boy, 24-year veteran Crazy Legs, the World Final is set to be the most prestigious and high calibre break-dance event of the year.

Sony Ericsson is bringing together the best of the best from the qualifiers in US, Japan, Korea, Russia, Holland and Scandinavia. After a five-month search, staging seven international eliminations, the most impressive dancers will now take part in the ultimate B-Boy battle. Joining them will be the UK’s winning breakin’ crew, Soul Mavericks, the eight-strong team hailing from London who will represent Great Britain in this year’s team competition.

After wowing the crowds in the UK Final with their explosive freestyle interjected with slick choreographed routines and their secret weapon, B-Girl Roxy – the ‘Mavericks’ will be challenging the greatest break-dance teams from around the world for the title of Sony Ericsson World B-Boy Champions.

Over 10,000 people are set to descend into London to watch all the incredible action and contests during the two-day event.

For the first time this year, there will be a special B-Girl battle event on Saturday 10th October at Islington Academy, judged by Lady Jules, star of the movie ‘B-Girl’, due to be released on 12th October.

Channel 4 has also re-commissioned the second series on the trials and tribulations of the world’s greatest breakers, poppers & lockers in the lead-up to the Sony Ericsson UK B-Boy Championships World Finals.

The six-part series ‘2009 Sony Ericsson World B-Boy Series’, will document the search to find the most talented break-dancers to compete at the World Finals. Plus, if you miss any action you can catch up on all the episodes with fresh updates on how each battle went down at

In keeping with the big beats, style and flair of B-Boy, winning crews will also take home the Sony Ericsson W995 Walkman™ handsets. Set the phone on its integrated stand and watch videos on the crystal clear 2.6” TFT display with powerful speakers and an in-built 3.5mm audio jack."

I'll be at the ISLINGTON KNOCKOUT JAM on SATURDAY, see you there! And make sure you dress fresh!

Kid Dyno

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Just Messin' With Beats pt.10

It's a longtime since I been messin' with beats, so I've asked my man DJ OLSON from P&O PRODUCTIONS and VINYL DEES to step up to the ocky with a little remix beat for us to devour. And literally one week later he has provided the REDMAN & METHOD MAN "HOW HIGH" TIGHTROPE remix.
OLSON is tight with his beats so you now this ain't gonna be weak sauce. Plus you gotta check out the scratching in the outro. It's gonna feature on P&O's forthcoming "NUGGETS & GEMS PT.2" mix (remember the dope ass PT.1 we featured here), but we here at the DAILY DIGGERS HQ have the remix on the exclusive tip. Nice work mister OLSON.



Kid Dyno

Manchester Diggin' pt2

I like MANCHESTER - it's a colourful place, friendly people, and it definitely has a laid-back vibe going on that I enjoyed if only for a few hours. But I wasn't there to make friends or influence people, just to empty some record crates. The fact that many of the Manchester record shops are situated in the same district only adds to the appeal.
The best finds were in the VINYL EXCHANGE, a long established vinyl haunt, yet one which hasn't lost touch with the musical times. I wanna say a big "Thanks and What's Up" to MARK who works in there 2 days a week - a friendly face and some genuine banter always makes a record fiend feel welcome. I had some nice finds in VE, and I finally dug out the IKE & TINA TURNER track I had been hoping to find one day soon. Mainly for the superb drum break on "Cussin' & Crying", but also for the other funky cuts on this double LP...

This French issued LP holds a real treat of a drum break on the very first track, namely "Cryin' & Cussin'" - a very apt title for an IKE & TINA track now I think about it.
You will probably best know this killer drum break as the one a young BIGGY SMALLS rhymes over outside a BROOKLYN grocery store (I'm sure you know the video I mean). The drums on this are slow tempo but hard and chunky. When looped or chopped up they sound so fat and gritty, hence they have been sampled by a few Hip Hop artists over the years, including DAS EFX on "Here We Go" and LEADERS OF THE NEW SCHOOL on "Zone Coasters" (see video below). Despite this I haven't found a decent copy worth buying for years. I'm just glad to now own an original press, such is my obsession for the classic drum beats. But as an added bonus, the LP also has the track "Up Hard" - another killer drum break and b-boy classic.

IKE & TINA TURNER - "Cussin' & Cryin'"


And here's a video of BUSTA RHYMES, DINCO D, CUT MONITOR MILO and CHARLIE BROWN doing their thang over the "Cussin' & Cryin'" break.

This kitsch 1966 LP was the brainchild of GEOFF STEPHENS, the man who discovered DONOVAN. Here he attempts to bring together other musicians in order to re-create the 1930's Vaudeville sound. I'm not sure there was much call for it even back then in 66, and this LP has been relegated to the bargain bins ever since. But it does hold one loop on the track "Whispering" that you will all no doubt recognise, and even if you pick up the LP and browse it, you may even miss the loop entirely.
This wasn't expensive at £3.00 ... but to be honest this should really be a £1.00 LP all day - so keep checking those bargain bins! Let's just say it will make you go NUTS and wanna TURN IT OUT...


A strange LP this one in the fact that it is a split LP with FLEETWOOD MAC on one side, and CHRISTINE PERFECT on the other. I'm sure there is an industry name for these type of LPs. All tracks on both sides of the vinyl are produced by MIKE VERNON.
But without doubt it is the track "And That's Saying A Lot" that stands out by a mile here. As featured on the DUSTY FINGERS compilations (what's up to DANNY DAN THE BEATMAN!), this downtempo moody joint is drum driven and has a funky little open break at the intro. Mellow key chords and funky guitar licks push the song along with CHRISTINE's seductive vocals caressing the beat. Dope shit.

CHRISTINE PERFECT - "And That's Saying A Lot"

"What the f__k is that LP" I hear you cry. BREAK DJ LEACY played me this LP back in the very early 1990's, and I think it is only the second or third time I have ever seen a copy, and with my obsession for original breakbeats from back in the day, how could I possibly NOT buy this LP?
I could never remember the title (there must have been some good acid in the house when they chose that name!) but the dope artwork on the LP cover has stuck in my memory for years. This LP was a project involving JOHN ENTWISTLE and KEITH MOON from THE WHO, and also the likes of ELKIE BROOKS and ALICE COOPER. The concept being a comic book hero idea put to music. A concept album along the same lines as THE BEATLES' "SGT PEPPERS LONELY HEART CLUB BAND" LP ... but without the quality or the same level of success.
But it is the JIM DANDY track we are concerned with here. (JIM DANDY was a member of BLACK OAK ARKANSAS, a rock group who also sneaked in a few drum breaks onto their LPs so check 'em out). "Country Cookin'" is a bonafide b-boy classic, and the track name alone should give you enough clues. You will know this for sure, even if you don't recognise the LP or the names. Punchy drums and a sassy harmonica riff makes you wanna get down and break!

JIM DANDY - "Country Cookin'"

So thanks to MANCHESTER for the dope vinyl. I'll be back for more for sure.

stay dusty ...Kid Dyno

NOTE to FISHLY; Damn man, I only got your previous comment on my return from your neck of the woods. Now I NEED to go back and hit those other spots, so maybe we should meet up, dig for victory and then catch an pint??

Friday, 25 September 2009

Manchester Diggin'

It's about that time to spread my diggin' wings and stretch my diggin' legs. Watch out Manchester, Kid Dyno is in your area!
This week I had an excuse to get out of the big smoke of LONDON and head for another city in search of some dusty vinyl. For my day job I sell luxury cars across the UK, and a perk of the job is that every so often there is a long distance delivery involved which gives me a fleeting chance to hit another city for it's vinyl resting places. This time I have a 4hr drive ahead of me to MANCHESTER in the north west of the UK, but I have the comfort of a CHRYSLER 300C SRT-8 on the way up there (Now that's gonna make my journey much quicker!). I got my DWG Lungbutters CD ready for the take off, the sat nav in the 300C is already programmed - now all I got to think about is the records I'm gonna find!
From what I know, many of the record shops in MANCHESTER are situated on or around OLDHAM STREET; just a few minutes walk from MANCHESTER PICCADILLY train station. And luckily a good friend has given me the quiet nod on which record shop I should hit first for the rarer pieces at the best prices. I'm not expecting a haul of hip hop records from what I've been told, but the breaks selection is ready for the taking. Apparently they have a large soul & funk section, plus some cheap prog rock LPs and many of the beats are left untouched for weeks. So you just know I gotta get up there. All you Mancunians out there, watch out for some power diggin' action DAILY DIGGERS style!
I'll be back posting again over the weekend and I'll spill the beans on the MANCHESTER mission. Until then ... hold tight to your records!

To get us in the Manchester mood, here's some graffiti action from the area - keep an eye open for a piece by one of very own regulars here at BREAKS FOR DAYS - the man they call FISH. What's up B!

Kid Dyno

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

125th Street

Sunday, 20 September 2009


I'm very sad to inform you that the legend that was GRANDMASTER ROC RAIDA passed away yesterday September 19th, seemingly after being involved in a martial arts accident. This news of his unexpected death is terrible! I can honestly say he was a very humble dude despite his on-deck battling persona, and the XECUTIONERS member was a true legend of the deejay game NO DOUBT. That's why they named him the GRANDMASTER. I was very lucky to see him on the wheels of steel both live in LONDON as he won the DMC world champs, and also out in New York at the ROCKSTEADY CREW anniversary 1994-96. I witnessed the legendary SKRATCH PICKLZ vs X-MEN DJ battle at THE MANHATTAN CENTRE in 1996, and my spine was till tingling weeks later such was the excitement that night.

RAIDA, you will be very sorely missed. Our thoughts are with your family, crew and closest friends. Rest in Beats.

Statement from DJ Roc Raida’s Family:

Anthony Williams p/k to the world as The Legendary Grand Master Roc Raida has passed away unexpectedly today Sept 19 2009. He is survived by his wife, 3 lovely daughters, mother and friends. Raida was recently in an mixed martial arts accident, something that he has been practicing for several years. Although he had under gone 2 surgeries with great success, was released to an inpatient physical therapy facility and was in great spirits the past few days. This morning [sept. 19] he started to have complications and passed. The family asks for privacy at this time.



Video below: ROC RAIDA in the DMC world champs.

Pepsi Commercial

RAIDA rocking the wheels at the VESTAX DJ CHAMPS in AMSTERDAM.

Now check out RAIDA on the wheels of steel, cutting up classic breaks. We're gonna miss his funky shit! Soundclip below...

Friday, 18 September 2009

Record Heads