Saturday 12 December 2009

Big Daddy Kane Gets Raw

Here's some short but rarely seen footage of the BIG DADDDY himself getting loose at the 1989 DMC champs. I like the part where he removes the gold rope so he doesn't catch an eye jammy! And what better stage for BDK than a giant turntable. It's not his best performance by any means, but still good to watch. Although anyone who has caught KANE live on stage will know he is a guaranteed winner and always gets the crowd hype. I remember my disappointment in the 90's when BIZ MARKIE didn't show up for his concert at THE FORUM in Kentish Town, London. The crowd weren't given any notice and were not in good mood once inside the venue to find out BIZ wasn't there (myself included). But KANE took the stage in replacement and tore the roof right off the muthafucker! To this day I have never seen so many people in a club going buckwild - that's what "Set It Off" did that night!


M. Gillie said...

Nice, good post!

Kool said...

Kane at his best - The fade, The rope.....and the def 'jump through the leg thing' (which I still can't do...). Peace