Collecting records can be hard work on the brain. I find it impossible sometimes to remember all the artist names,

track names, and album titles of releases that I am searching for. Admittedly it was hip hop that was my first wax passion, and although my hip hop shelves stretch as far as the eye can see, even I find it hard to remember the rarer and more obscure rap joints e.g. DJ Whatshisname and MC Forgotitalready. I hate to think how many dope rap joints I have passed on over the years based on a wack cover or easily forgettable name. And I'm not one to write a "wants list" as the damn thing would need updating weekly. So my journey into collecting funk, jazz, rock and disco breaks years later only began to muddle my brain further. So much

of the time I try and remember the LP covers themselves, as a choice piece of cover artwork can often stick in my brain better than an album title. I may forget the artist, but then when I come across the record cover again on one of my missions, my memory banks kick in and the light bulb flicks on above my Kangol. OK so this only helps me when out digging in the field, but you KNOW I prefer to hit as many real spots as possible and get my hands well and truly filthy! Take a peep at some of the eye candy on display here. As usual, click on the image to enlarge. The records come from a wide variety of genres including funk, rock, library and jazz but ALL are certified dope. There is even a dope German piece. Cop them if you spot them!
Kid Dyno
edit: That TIREBITER LP is a bitch to find on the cheap, ever since DJ EINSTEIN blew it up on his list of top ten drums to sample. What's good YOUNG EINSTEIN if you're reading this! Dyno
So true! The only way I remember something that I've been looking for is because of the cover. I always forgot titles but the cover art is so unforgettable!
hey dom,
iv'e just used the sheffield drum record on my last mix cd(i'll chuck one in the post)swapped it with a rock collector for a £1.00 bootfair lp,bargain .
I use to keep at list, but like you said, it needed updated so often that I gave up.
Luckily I know a few dealers who I can have keep their eyes out for certain records I'm looking for.
P.S. That Black Heat album is so dope! One of my favorite records every!
seeeing the sleeve is ALWAYS a bonus, especially with lp's, but sometimes (mainly with 7"s) you need to rely on names, producers and intuition.....and websites like this!!!
oh, and having a healthy interest in the ultimate breaks and beats lp's won't hurt either...!
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