Sunday, 1 November 2009

Sit Back Relax Listen to Some Hip-Hop

As much as I love to discover a crispy drum break, I'm also real partial to any classic samples from yesterday's hip hop music. Essentially, the art of making dope hip hop beats involves taking a few of your favourite segments of music from other genres, and sandwiching them together into a new, much doper composition. It might be a 2 bar loop, or simply some drum chops, but the art is to listen out for that "hip hop" sound (if you dig for beats then you will know what I mean by this).
So if you like the hip hop track, then in turn you will also appreciate the original records that were sampled to make it. For me it has opened doors to musical genres that I never thought I would look into. But hey, that's what good music can do for you. And hip hop is good music.

Sit Back Relax Listen to Some Hip-Hop

Kid Dyno


Diggin4lfe said...


wheres the audio, can you re-up???


Daily Diggers said...

yo Diggin4Life, DIVSHARE links can be down sometimes. Please try back later or hit me up at...

kidbiscuit at hotmail dot com

and I can email you the mp3.


Kid Dyno

Anonymous said...


Whats the track - i can i get the mp3 somehow?

thank you