Sunday, 22 May 2011

The Freshco & Miz story

You may remember our interview back in July last year with the 1989 NMS MC Champ and TOMMY BOY recording artist MC FRESHCO. Well at the end of that interview we promised you a scoop of the FRESHCO & MIZ documentary film as soon as it was available. Well it's time to sit back relax and listen to some hip hop history as I bring you the world premiere of some of the film. Remember where you saw it first!

Super shout out goes to Shawn Conrad aka MC FRESHCO.


Repo said...

This looks interesting.
However I got to say I hadn't a clue THAT was Monie Love. Hmmmm, something about her has never sat right with me.
The fact that she *ucked off to the US and now has NO TRACE of London about her is highly suspect.

Also on another tip, Dyno I was lucky enough to witness you on the wheels in Norwich last night. Truly rocked the house. Top night.

Daily Diggers said...


... yes Monie has certainly changed.

I'm pleased you enjoyed the beats & breaks on Saturday. Norwich knows how to get down.
