Sunday, 18 September 2011

Slick Rick Daily Diggers Remix

This is one from the shoebox. It's been a few years since I did this SLICK RICK remix but I think it still sounds fresh today. Nothing too hectic on production just some fat old drums and a smooth sample to fit RICK's ever smooth delivery. RICKY D has always been one of my favourite MCs and no doubt like many of you it was his story telling talent on DOUG E FRESH's "La Di Da Di" that first got me hooked on this ex-London rhymer.


Bushy said...

Smoooooth mix. Perfect for a bit of Sunday morning head nodding. Cheers.

Leo Slayer said...

I enjoyed this the first time you posted this.
Still nice.

step one said...

nice work, really like this. I've been playing the original alot recently after not hearing it for years.