Sunday, 8 January 2012

Rockin' Fly Kicks

Hip Hoppers have always been noted for their fresh footwear, whether it be a pair of old school Adidas "shell toes" (as worn by RUN DMC) or boxfresh NIKE AIR FORCE ONEs (in one of a million different colourways). Or maybe a pair of MC SHAN's favourite shoe, the PUMA CLYDE. Whatever was on your feet they had to be kept fresh and back in the days we even carried a toothbrush for any sneaker emergencies we encountered - you gots to stay fresh YO!
I was checking out COMPLEX magazine recently and I noticed a pretty damn comprehensive rundown of all the fly kicks featured on Hip Hop album covers over the last 30 years. Some of you will have rocked some of the fifty or so listed sneakers I'm sure. Although I have to be perfectly honest I have never been and never will be a fan of NIKE AIR JORDANS, and it's surprising how many albums feature a pair of Michael Jordan's signature shoe in one of it's many incarnations.
As for all the craziness surrounding the re-launch of the 1996 Air Jordan shoe recently - I'm shocked to be honest that so many people are willing to fight, rob or steal for such an ugly looking shoe. Say word!
Here's a few of my favourite covers from the list over at COMPLEX. Take a peep at the whole article and see how many YOU got in your sneaker cupboard.

check out COMPLEX magazine


simon galley said...

top photo dyno......

Stu J said...

Man, those sneaks biz Mark had on the back of his first LP were just slammin' at the time. Would never wear them now!