Friday, 4 May 2012

Rest In Peace MCA

I was very sad today to hear that BEASTIE BOYS member MCA has passed away at the age of 47. This is a very sore loss for hip hop, the BEASTIES had a massive influence on me and many others of my generation, despite their off key comedic approach to hip hop music. My thoughts are with his family and of course MIKE D and AD-ROCK, DJ HURRICANE and MIXMASTER MIKE. I had the very brief pleasure of speaking to MCA aka ADAM YAUCH at ROCK STEADY ANNIVERSARY in '95 and he was down to earth and more than friendly. Rest in eternal peace MCA and thanks for your music.

1 comment:

Downstroke said...

Really sad news, last I heard was he had recieved treatment and was responding favourably, but cancer is a fucker like that! Three people close to me/my fam have either been diagnosed or died of it in the last few weeks, gets me quite angry, especially when you consider there's more profit in treatment than a cure.

Anyway, this encouraged me to finish off this little re-mix I was playing with a while back as a tribute to MCA:

Those of us who saw the Beasties on the Raising Hell tour of 97 will always have that memory of go go dancers in cages, a 20ft inflatable phallus and nervous VW drivers everywhere.