Friday, 15 March 2013

Crate Raiderz Episode 1

The CRATE RAIDERZ crew are journeying across the US in search of not only records, but also fellow vinyl collectors who take their digging very seriously. In a series of interviews they aim to shed some light on collectors themselves to gain an insight into each others' vinyl habits. First up is BLAAK THE 9th MAN who we interviewed a few months ago here on DAILY DIGGERS (check our archive) - he pulls out some of his favourite records including the highly sought-after and super scarce MAGNUM "Fully Loaded" LP. Watch and learn....


Joe Dino said...

why's the video private?!

Twinselecter said...

This is really good shit, but you've got to improve the sound and make sure we can read the vinyle you show to the camera.
Thaks anyway, Now I'm waiting for more !

Unknown said...

Big thanks for sharing these gems!! Such great music that needs to be shared with more people!