Friday, 18 January 2008

Breaks for Days podcast

It's that time again where we rummage deep in the DAILY DIGGERS vaults so we can bring you some vintage BEATS to kick your weekend off to a good start. Hopefully you have no work this saturday or sunday and so you can kick off your shoes and relax to some funky sounds courtesy of KID DYNOMITE & The BEAT DETECTIVE.!

We are going to drop some ill rock drums, a handful of funk classics, some real vinyl obscurities, and of course a few Hip Hop treats from back in the days. We wouldn't give it to ya any other way!!

Please stay tuned!

Breaks for Days 18/01/08

Metal Fingers vs. Super Lover Cee - Corriander Got 'Em Locked
Larry Larr - Keep On Y'All
Pesos - Don't Smile
Hot Day Dante - Going Straight Up
Ghostface - Mighty Healthy
Slum Brothers - The Sureshot
Godfather Don - Styles by the Gram
Ill Brothers - Funkneck
Colored Section - Bomb MC
Daily Diggers skit
Unique - War Rap
Roy Ayers
The Fabulettes - Muddy Waters
Matata - Return To You
Paul Humphrey - Detroit
Little Feat
Persuasive Percussion
Rare Earth - I'm Losing Her
The Police - Voices inside my Head
Dr. Frankenstein - Frankenstein's Pain
Fierce - Come Close
Country Joe McDonald - TV Blues

Kid Dyno & The Beat Detective


rb said...

hey Dyno,
I wanted to d/l this podcast to listened to in my funk wagon, but z share won't seem to let me actually d/l the file.

Any ideas?

got a new funky and groove oriented mix also:

Daily Diggers said...

word up rb....

We can't have that now - we must keep yo funk motor moving!

Which file download sites can you use with out any problems bro?? I'm happy to re-up the file later tonight - lemme know which host is best for you.



rb said...

Hey dyno
divshare seems to do it.

really digging what I have heard so far.

thanks for the shout on the mic...

back to the crates.