Monday, 26 July 2010

MC Freshco - Goal Achievement Expert

Keep it locked to BREAKS FOR DAYS for our forthcoming interview with FRESHCO - the winner of the New Musical Seminar MC battle for world supremacy in 1989. Anyone who knows anything about dope MCs knows that FRESHCO was in a league of his own back then, tearing strips of MC SERGE in the final.
FRESHCO, aka SHAWN CONRAD is somewhat of an achiever to say the least, succeeding in everything in life he turns his hand to. You can find out more in the forthcoming interview, but to keep you busy for the moment here is the final NMS battle itself, followed by FRESHCO & MIZ live on MTV RAPS doing their thing with ED LOVER and DRE.

Stay tuned y'all.....

1 comment:

fishlington said...

more interested in aladdin cutting rock the bells in the first vid...
some incredible alliteration in the first half of the last vid
good work