Saturday, 18 September 2010

The Diggers

Last evening's DIAMOND D show at PLAN B in Brixton was a real beat fest to remember. In fact my last 48hrs has been a blur of full-on record digging across London and networking with two of NY's finest. I will give you more details when I'm fully recovered. Suffice to say London town's record spots have got no funky records left!

Here's a snap of myself Kid Dyno, DITC legend DIAMOND D and OXYGEN from SPUTNIK BROWN. You can call us "the diggers".

DIAMOND D dropping some bronx science

Oxygen (Sputnik Brown), Pritt Kalsi (KOTB), & Johnny Cuba (Soundsci)

BIG DIME busy on the doubles

MC CRAIG G rocks the mic

45s 33s from 12s to LPs, 78s whatever man it's a disease!

Heavy Rotation

The funk crates

SP1200 + Oxygen = deadly combo

DJ Spin Doctor and Diamond

Diamond does doubles

Kid Dyno


Skeme Richards said...

ahhh!! Sounds like it was a grand groove!! Dope

Drasar Monumental said...

"Power Digging" with Diamond D.........That's some official shit right there..


MR KRUM said...

Great photos Dom...looks like you had a good weekend!

The Kool Skool said...

Yes man high postin' as usual! Heard iot was ill! Had to work out of town so I missed it... : (

JonnyC said...

Glad to make the hook up again D proper good night out



Mac McRaw said...

Wish I could of reached this set ...full audio up here: