Friday 8 October 2010

Crate Invaders All Across The Globe

The photo shows OXYGEN talking records with BEAT DETECTIVE at the DAILY DIGGERS HQ September 2010. OX repping for LONG ISLAND (JVC Force & TOO POETIC) while BD got the Euro/Afro breaks in full effect (ASSAGAI and GUNTHER FISCHER). A CRATE INVADERS crew meeting of minds.


Agent Finch said...

Two of the dirtiest, most dusty fingered crate diggers that i know, cole rockin` the spot, reppin` for the Crate Invaders on a worldwide diggin` mission..!

Surprised DYNO could take a picture with all that dust flying around the DAILY DIGGERS HQ ;o)

Mac McRaw said...

Amazing Ox had to come to Brighton to pic up the JVC Force LP.