Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Vinyl Veterans Photos

Myself and BEAT DETECTIVE had a great Saturday night in Brighton rocking the beats together with the VINYL VETERANS crew. Many thanks goes to MAC, MR KRUM, MATT THE HAT and BOBBY BOUCHER who organise the VINYL VETERANS nights for their hospitality and of course to all those who braved the sub zero temperatures to attend. And what's up also to DJ FOLEY too for making an appearance, also to STEVE SECK, DANI & CHARLIE, and all those who plied us with Tuaca shots throughout the night. I'm sure not to sabotage the skills more as a "welcome to Brighton" from the locals. We both thoroughly enjoyed our sets and the atmosphere in the FULL MOON. For me personally it was some of the best music I have heard/played in years, and good to see real vinyl skills being displayed on the turntables ALL NIGHT LONG (cue Mary Jane Girls!) by the VV crew. Here's some pics taken on the night....

BEAT DETECTIVE drops the funk on 'em

No Trouble Here Guv!


This one's for YOU!

MATT THE HAT dropped the illest funky soundtrack set!

Ram Jam by midnight

Great TOO SHORT tee


DAILY DIGGERS duo do damage!

Good times!! Thanks to MAC for the photos and for being such a great host to the DAILY DIGGERS duo - we look forward to a return, we knew B'TOWN ALWAYS ROCKS!

Kid Dyno


Mac McRaw said...

Wurd up ...top night & top sets chaps ..glad you both had a good time.

Diggin mission & a repeat performance will be planned for next year for sure ...once you have both fully recovered that is!!

MR KRUM said...

Yep...top night fellas! Great selections and spot on mixes/cuts - exactly what good DJs should be. Kid Dyno & The Beat Detective held it down lovely. Not forgeting Mac, Matt and Kev of course!

Looking forward to the return trip already.