Sunday, 2 January 2011

Breaks For Days Radio

As I said before, let's start this year off with a bang. And here's our contribution to it all with well over an hour of funky treats straight from the DAILY DIGGERS HQ in the form of our BREAKS FOR DAYS RADIO show. You should all know the formula by now - a selection of downlow, dirty breaks followed by a slice of nice beats, this time mostly post-2000 hip hop bangers. And please remember we supply only vinyl treats, no sneaky mp3 joints like those wack wannabee DJs LMAO. We aim to please so feel free to drop a comment if you like what you are hearing (it's always nice to know where we get it right). Consider it a soundtrack to your new year. Enjoy - Kid Dyno.



The Kool Skool said...

Happy New Year Bro!
Glad to see the radio show back again! Contact and join the station. Hope you had a great New Years

Mac McRaw said...

Word up Dyno & a happy new year to you sir, top notch selection as per ...will post up on the Vinyl Veterans page soon.

Drasar Monumental said...

Happy New Year my brother....I want to listen to this mix, but for some reason Z share doesn't work on my computer......

Anyway, hope all is well......


Daily Diggers said...

happy new year fellas. Dras, I've added a divshare player.

Have a great 2011


Drasar Monumental said...



Anonymous said...

Happy new year every one.Another nice selection Dom.Really enjoyed a couple of the hip hop tracks.Excellent.

p.s.Supreme Dominion said...

Yes,yes Deejay!

Happy new year to you and all crew.

Big breaks mix nice. Was that an OXYGEN jammie in the mix? that Money Boss joint still bangs! loved the Lord Finesse track too. All goods.

Catch you on the flip soon bro.

Top Billin'