Sunday, 12 August 2012

Dust & Grooves Book

Some great news this week was the confirmation that the DUST AND GROOVES team exceeded their target of $27,000 on their KICKSTARTER campaign by over $10,000. Now this is fantastic news because it means not only that the DUST & GROOVES book about record collectors will be published, but it is now possible to increase the size of the book (hopefully) and make it the must have coffee table book for vinyl junkies worldwide.
Not only did EILON PAZ and his team reach their target, but a whole new bunch of people are joining the campaign and offering rewards for KICKSTARTER backers. I must say, I need to cop one of these very limited DUST & GROOVES posters (see below) if only because I can see myself right there in the middle (could that be him? could I be right? could that be KID ah DYNOMITE!)

Also DJ PRESTIGE from FLEAMARKET FUNK has put together a mixtape for backers of the project, and TRIPLDOUBLE from PHILLY has also used this project as an excuse to complete the next in his AEIOU mix series. Take a peep below. It's never too late to become involved with the DUST & GROOVES project - if you are surrounded by vintage vinyl and need to get it off your chest, speak to EILON PAZ and maybe he will pay YOU a visit.

AEIOU Warmups...the Iron Chef Mix for Dust & Grooves from Dust & Grooves on Vimeo.

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