Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The Man Diamond D

I was real disappointed when DIAMOND D's London leg of his European tour was cancelled. The gig was due to take place at the VILLAGE UNDERGROUND on 4th December but I received a refund on my ticket a few weeks ago with little explanation. I've seen DIAMOND D live on several occasions including in New York City during the 90s with the rest of DITC including FINESSE and BIG L. But what was gonna make this London gig special was the fact that this tour was to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his amazing "Stunts, Blunts & Hip Hop" LP, and that BIG DIAM would be backed by a live band CHAMPION SOUND who would re-create the classic tracks.
Unfortunately I've yet to hear of a follow-up gig taking place in London to replace the VILLAGE UNDERGROUND show, and it's getting somewhat late in the day as the tour is imminent. If anyone out there knows any different please get in touch and let me know. For all you London heads, here is what we are gonna miss out on. This is footage of CHAMPION SOUND rehearsing some DIAMOND D classics. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

That is a damn shame Dyno. I was really looking forward to this gig.

I know someone who was working on the promotion of it, so I will try and find out what the situation is.

I spoke to them a month or so ago and they highlighted that they were very concerned with the low ticket sales.

It's crazy as Stunts Blunts must be in the top 10 of Hip Classic LP's...

The band should do the same thing as Will Sessions (did with the Elmatic LP for Elzhi) and release an instrumental LP.



Daily Diggers said...

I agree Nick, very good call!

If you do find out why the gig was cancelled please lemme know. I'm shocked more people didn't buy advance tickets! Definitely one of my top 10 hip hop LPs!!

Thanks for your help.